
ML and Web developer

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Anash Shelat

Bachelor at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Surat.

Junior Developer at DSC NIT Surat - powered by google

Exective at ACM, Association of Computing Machinery


Computer Image

Competitive Programming

I do Competitive Programming using C/C++. I am also comfortable with Data Structures and Algorithms.I do it to improve my problem-solving ability which is a must in the field of Computer Science. I am pretty used to it and i do it on a weekly basis on platforms like HackerEarth and CodeForces to refine my knowledge. I also took part in several hackthons like Inception 2.0 and ACM Month of Code.

ML model

Machine Learning

My dream is to be a ML expert in future. I am a begineer in this field. I do know basics about Tensor Flow and Neural Networks but as you know I'm a begineer so I would be grateful if you guide me in this path. You can also mail me or contact me at several platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, instagram. The link and mailfunction is down below the page as you go.

WebDev Animation

Web Development

If not a ML expert then Web Developer is surely the tag i want on my professional career.I'm a MERN Stack developer. I know all major Front-end languages like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Jquery, Backend languages and frameworks like PHP, Node.js, Express.js, ejs and Databases like MySQL, MongoDB and Mongoose along with REST APIs and git-Github.

Contact Me

For suggestions or doing a project as a team you can contact me by mail or by list of sites given below.I'm also a guitarist so contact-me and maybe we can have a jam together. See you on the dark side;-)

Mail Me

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